Battle Road Research Launches Small Cap Snapshots

For Immediate Distribution
Monday, April 16, 2012

 Battle Road Research LogoBattle Road Research Launches Small Cap Snapshots

 A New Service Focused on Below the Radar Stocks


(WALTHAM, MA) Battle Road Research (, an independent stock research firm focused on the technology, consumer, and renewable energy sectors, has officially launched Small Cap Snapshots, a new service designed to help fund managers, analysts, and wealth advisors seek out small cap stock ideas. The initial focus is on companies located in New England, with stock market valuations under $1 billion.

“A growing number of intriguing small cap companies in our backyard and beyond have been overlooked by Wall Street and regional investment banks,” according to Ben Z. Rose, President of Battle Road Research. “Many IPOs of the last two years have fallen below the radar, or may have little coverage beyond the research reports written by their underwriters. These companies represent fertile ground for a fresh, independent perspective. We believe that Small Cap SnapShots will be a timely addition to our clients’ research process,” said Rose.

Combining fundamental research with key financial metrics, Battle Road’s Small Cap Snapshots are designed to help fund managers, analysts, and wealth advisors screen for investment ideas in the technology, consumer, and renewable energy sectors.  Small Cap Snapshots are now available to Battle Road Research clients through its website at

Established in 2001, Battle Road is a research-only firm, not an investment bank, not a broker dealer, and not an asset manager. Unlike Wall Street and regional investment banks who are paid by the companies they research, Battle Road does not accept –nor has it ever accepted— a dime from any company that it researches.

“Our research has been adopted by some of the world’s leading portfolio managers and analysts. We are confident that Battle Road Small Cap Snapshots will help our clients seek out new investment ideas, and will further our reputation as a research firm free from the influence of investment banking,” Rose concluded.

About Battle Road Research

Battle Road Research, an equity research firm, provides an independent voice on technology, consumer, and renewable energy stocks. Our research process combines rigorous financial analysis with insights gleaned from industry sources. Since our inception in 2001 we have refrained from investment banking, company-paid reports, and personal investment in the stocks we research. Battle Road has been a member of the Investorside Research Association since its inception in 2002. Investorside monitors and certifies that its members do not perform investment banking or research for hire, thus avoiding the conflicts of interest elsewhere rampant within the equity and fixed income research business.  For each of the last three years, Battle Road has received an award for its research coverage from Investorside, including the Thought Leadership in Technology award.

We welcome investors to visit our website at

Media Contact:

Ben Z. Rose, President

Battle Road Research

781-894-0705, ext. 204

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